
The Chatsworth Challenge not only raises funds and awareness for our nominated charities, it’s also a day which is enjoyed by many.

Here you can see a selection of photos taken on the day by our walkers, along with some words from our walk organiser Gerard Mitchell. 

Saturday 18th May 2024 (Walk 21)

Regardless of the time the Village Hall clock may be showing the nine 22 mile walkers (ten if you include Jess the Sprocker) did get away at the customary 06:00 hrs.

It’s a clear blue sky but most of the walkers are wrapped up against the early morning chill.

These are all veterans of previous campaigns so the course will hold no surprises for them.

The sky has become azure and the temperature has risen so these walkers are looking forward to the pleasant 9 miles they have in front of them.

We do have new faces in this group; a party of twelve from the West Kirkby Women’s Institute travelled down from the Wirral to join us.

The mystery of the day was how the clock had corrected itself by the time the 9 mile walk started at 11:00 hrs.

A self-righting mechanism or human intervention? We’ll never know.

When the walks have been walked, but most of the talk is still to be talked, each participant receives a certificate confirming their attendance and completion.

There isn’t a reference to the walk distance on the certificates as we do not draw a distinction between the nine and twenty-two mile options. As they register for the event each walker chooses the distance they are comfortable in attempting in the hope that they are challenged, but not overawed.

The photos set out below capture everyone who took part in our 2024 and helped to make it another resounding success.

These photographs are all taken either outside The Devonshire Arms in Baslow or across the road on Baslow village green


This photo section began with pictures of the two walks starting out from Baslow and setting the 2024 Chatsworth Challenge fundraising event in motion again. It is therefore appropriate to close this section with the natural conclusion; the Representatives of three of the charities we support receiving their cheques from the Dave Owens & Frank Goodall Memorial Fund.

The Oesophageal Patients Association is based in Alvechurch, close to Birmingham, and do not have local representation so their cheque is posted out to Drew & Maggie.

Saturday 13th May 2023 (Walk 20)

The clock shows that this year’s 22 mile walkers are a few minutes ahead of the 06:00 scheduled start time but on a cool morning the group are keen to get underway.
Dean, Eddie, Simon, Richard, Dan, Andrew, Marcus, Andrew, Simon, Martin, Jess (The Sprocker), Clare & Graham know they have a gruelling day in front of them, but to me they look equal to the challenge.

The 9 mile walkers are also in front of the 11:15 schedule start and look like getting away early.
Paul, Janine, Oscar, Peter, Lisa, Kate, Bev, Scott, Lisa, Steve, Simon, Jayne, Joanne, Sid (The Greyhound/ Staffie), Peter, Milly, Luke, Megan & Kitty all look ready for the off.
There should have been ten more faces at this stage but the Thornhill Walking Mafia had made a flying start fifteen minutes earlier.
Not to worry, we’ll catch up with them later.

Here they are already.
Susan, Simon, Katie, Brian, Laura, Karen, Christine, Dee, Jim & Margaret may have missed the starting photo but they’ve turned up now at the finishing line 3 ½ hours later; and the sun is now shining.
Well done everyone.

Eddie, Graham & Dean are looking fresh after their 22 miles.
Eddie & Dean go back a long way and must now have more than 25 challenges between them.
Graham on the other hand is on his first Chatsworth Challenge but I’m sure Eddie & Dean will have shown him the ropes.

Janine & Kitty completed the 9 mile challenge this time.
I don’t think these two were acquainted at the start of the day but they look like good friends at the end.

Here we see four of the Hanging Heaton Cricket Club group that have joined this year’s walk.
Kate, Lisa, Jayne and Simon are still all smiles so they must have had a good day.

Marcus and Andrew look as though it’s the start of the walk rather than the finish.
Well done lads, it’s good to see you both again.

Martin, Clare, Simon & Janine look pleased with themselves, while Oscar looks to have had a long day.

Three more of the HHCC new faces in Milly, Luke & Megan.
They are proudly showing off their certificates so hopefully we will see them again next time.

Here we have father and son regulars Peter & Paul who both have a long history of Chatsworth Challenges between them.
Going right back to the inaugural walk in 2003 Peter has been a big help over the years.
Editor’s note: Nice ‘accidental’ photobombing Oscar! 👍👍

When they are not taking on challenge walks Joanne & Peter are the driving force behind providing the cold beer and warm welcome (I think I have that the right way around) all visitors receive when they enter Hanging Heaton Cricket Club.
Well done to both of you and thank you for turning out today.

This is Steve, Scot, Lisa & Bev displaying their hard-earned certificates.
It’s the first time I have ever seen Steve & Bev sitting at a table with no beer on it. I’m sure that soon got sorted out.

Final Editor’s note: I would like take this opportunity to thank all of you for giving up your valuable time and joining us on our 20th annual fundraising walk.

Do not think that what we do is taken for granted because it is not. If you take a look at the Letters of Acknowledgement on the ‘Fundraising’ page you can see first-hand just how much our efforts are appreciated by the four charities we support.
It is my intention to continue staging the Chatsworth Challenge walks until something prevents me from doing so. Your continued support of our event is therefore very much appreciated by myself and my fellow organisers
It would be fantastic to welcome you all again on Saturday 18th May 2024.

Due to the Charity Fundraisers heavy work schedules, and other circumstances beyond our control, we could not find a suitable date for our customary get-together for the presentation of the cheques. Royal Mail did an excellent job on my behalf but unfortunately this leaves us without a photograph to mark the occasion.
Hopefully we will be able to get together to mark the 2024 event.’

Gerard Mitchell
Event Organiser

Saturday 14th May 2022 (Walk 19)

The clock says the 22 milers are eleven minutes late setting off but it’s a lovely late spring morning in Baslow and everyone’s looking relaxed at the prospect of a great day’s walking in the Derbyshire Dales.
It is a cool start but with a long day in front of them they will soon warm up once the walk gets underway.

There’s no hats or coats now as the early morning promise has provided perfect walking conditions for the 2nd start of the day.
It is now 11:15 and the 9 mile walkers are ready to begin their challenge.
It is good to see the blend of seasoned campaigners and walkers taking part in the Chatsworth Challenge for the first time.

This quaint stone building is located on the stone bridge over the River Derwent, which is close to St Anne’s Church in Baslow.

In times gone by anyone crossing the bridge had to pay a levy, and this was the toll booth.

They didn’t scrimp on building materials in those days but from the size of the door I can only assume the toll collector was a about six years old…maybe younger?

Leading down from Monyash to Conksbury Bridge Lathkill Dale is one of the finest valleys the Peak District has on offer. The weir you can see damming the River Lathkill will once have served one of the woollen mills that operated within the dale.

After breakfasting at the café in Monyash these lads are now well beyond the halfway point and Bakewell is their next port of call.

Both of our walks pass through the picturesque village of Edensor.

With a marvellous old church and a tearoom to visit do not miss the opportunity of paying a visit if you are ever in the area.

Chatsworth House is just over the brow of the hill and if you look hard enough you can just make out the Hunting Tower which is located on the hillside above the Duke & Duchess’s residence.

With the work over and the certificates presented it’s time for Richard, Andrew, James, Marcus, Nick & Bailey to enjoy a well earned beer.

Holly, Gracie, Peter & Paul can’t be too far away either but the camera has missed them.

I believe Tracey, Tarnya & Michal are also just out of shot.

There’s not much you can tell Craig, Simon, James, Dan & Eddie about Chatsworth Challenges as they have more notches on their belts than you can shake a stick at.

On the other hand it was Andrew & Richard’s first outing but a good day was had by all.

Dean, another seasoned veteran, also got another notch on his walking belt but somehow managed to avoid being photographed with his certificate.

This was Kitty’s first Chatsworth Challenge but she got round the 22 miles with plenty to spare.

Well done, we hope to see you again in 2023.

For Karen, Laura, Simon & Richard it was their first attempt at the Chatsworth Challenge. They really enjoyed the nine mile walk and have the certificates to prove it.

Their friends Jim & Dee also completed the course but we didn’t get them on the photo.

Clare and Martin are no strangers to the Chatsworth challenge.

They are often at the front of the 22 mile pack but took things a little leisurely this time and enjoyed the views.

The little man in the middle is Oscar and he helps me with the administration. We walk a section of the nine mile event but then head back to Baslow to get the check-in desk ready to process the returning walkers.

Jess the dog must be under the table as I think I can see a white paw by Martin’s feet.

Once the walk has been walked, the talk has been talked, and all the sponsorship has been collected the local representatives call to receive their cheques in person, and to discuss the following year’s event.

Here we have Peter (a veteran of the 2003 inaugural walk), Kathryn (CRUK), Stacey (Macmillan), Rebecca (Marie Curie) & Oscar and myself.

Maggie and Drew from The Oesophageal Patients Association are based in the Midlands so their cheque sent out via Royal Mail.